Rolling Stone – Finally Home
For many years I felt like a captured caged bird that sings and sings and sings, just waiting for someone to come by, open the caged door and allow me to fly free.

Gratitude Letter
After having a stroke, I am grateful for all of the reassurance you have provided when I was lost in the wilderness and could not find my way.
SCC Holiday Party 2019
SCC Holiday Party 2019 On December 8th, 125 SCC members, family, friends, professionals and others from the community gathered at the Vienna Community Center for our annual holiday celebration. Guest enjoyed music by our very own Robert Swain and his band King...
Patience and Gentleness
In layperson’s terms, we know what Aphasia is. Aphasia is after having a stroke, sometimes when we try to speak the words and the words will not come.