Warrior Sailing Project by Pat

We went to Annapolis, MD for sailing. I learned to sail with the Warrior Sailing Program. It was a great time. Patty, Wilson and I got there on Monday. I met wounded soldiers and very smart sailors. Right away it was going to be a blast. The next day there was a short class. They wanted us in the sailboat, right away. My boat was number 7! It had to be good!

On Tuesday there were classes in the morning. Then I went sailing for an hour. It was great in the water. I was there with two people that got hurt in the military and a coach. Our coach, Ralf Steitz, was beyond incredible. He was in the Stars & Stripes in the 1990’s. After lunch there was another class. Then I was too tired. I went to the hotel and got a nap.

Wednesday was fun! We got in the boat right away. We also had a Navy General. He has been sailing for 50 years. Next thing we know, Ralf jumped in to a different boat. It was spectacular! We had the Navy Captain helping us. We practiced for an hour. There were 6 flags to get from the buoys. Then the race started. We decided to go to the furthest flag. We went from flag to flag. We got our last flag and headed to the finish line. But it was slow because of the wind. We finished and found out we got third!!! We felt great. Sailing is one of the greatest thing I’ve ever done…

Want to see more? Watch this video!

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(703) 255-5221

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