Foster’s Grille by Randy

The Stroke Comeback Center received a phone call from the manager at the Vienna Foster’s Grill. They asked if the center would be interested in doing the Dining for Dollars. Apparently they have seen many survivors from the center come in for lunch.

Foster’s Grill is located in Florida, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia. When I was a UPS Driver, I used to have lunch at the one in Herndon. Back in the day, a burger for lunch was one of my favorite weekly rituals. It was a great time to catch up with my UPS buddies. Now as a stroke survivor I was happy to learn that Foster’s was located in Vienna. I know have my weekly ritual of having a burger at Foster’s with my stroke survivor buddies.

20% will be donated to the SCC. We are using this monthly. Dining for dollars will be used every 4th Tuesday of every month. We did it for the first time on January 24, 2017.

The center gets a check from Forster’s Grill every month. That is awesome for the SCC. Foster’s Grill is a fantastic neighbor! Just as they support our community, let’s support Foster’s and the SCC by Dining for Dollars next Tuesday!!

Foster’s Grille of Vienna
Vienna Shopping Center
138 Maple Ave W
Vienna, VA 22180

Want to help?

Stroke Comeback Center depends on private donors to keep the doors open. Our regular fee for members covers only 50% of our costs to provide quality programs and 25% of our members qualify for partial and full scholarships. Click to contribute to our mission in providing supportive, quality care to stroke and brain injury survivors.


145 Park St., S.E. Vienna, VA  22180
(703) 255-5221

50 W Edmonston Drive, Suite 301, Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 605-7620

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