April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers

Bring May Flowers

Three years ago, on April 2nd, I had a stroke which debilitated my speech and hindered my movements. Today, I live to tell the story how I came out on the other side by accepting the April Showers from my stroke that rose into beautiful May Flowers.

The path I traveled on yesterday, travel today and will travel tomorrow gives me great hope.

First and foremost, I give thanks to the Stroke Comeback Center (SCC) guardian angels that show the stroke survivors and strivers how to live with the equality of life.

Yesterday, when I found my back against the wall, SCC taught me how to allow Aphasia to softly push the words that waver, until the words are ready to appear.

If I am bound by the barriers of forgetfulness, SCC taught me how to shake it off and patiently wait for Aphasia to take a bow, showing me the way.

SCC taught me to bounce back and make positive steps by marching forward.

April Showers bring May Flowers

Today, when I have problems expressing my words, I have learned to adapt through patience and gentleness.

The SCC earthly angels gently show me how to fly high and land on one wing.

As I observe the wind blowing beneath my wing, I can see the beauty of the world.

April Showers bring May Flowers

Tomorrow, as I open a new gate in my world, I will look back on the wrinkled roads I have traveled to get where I am today.

While appreciating my spirit is stronger than it was before my stroke, I will learn to adjust to the wisdom of lessons learned, which magnifies and light up my heart.

In my post stroke era, I will glide through my new journey that settles my hungry soul.

April Showers bring May Flowers

What is my victory? I now understand when I feel all hope is gone, I will allow the rainy days from the April Showers to overflow and shine on me; and, I now understand, I am blessed with May Flowers that show me…

I have been tried and true beyond all measures

April Showers bring May Flowers

To Brooke, the one with the golden heart; and to Amy, who also speaks with a gentle and graceful spirit.

Want to help?

Stroke Comeback Center depends on private donors to keep the doors open. Our regular fee for members covers only 50% of our costs to provide quality programs and 25% of our members qualify for partial and full scholarships. Click to contribute to our mission in providing supportive, quality care to stroke and brain injury survivors.


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