Aphasia Friendly Phone Apps by Christie

Aphasia is hard but you deal with it as best as you can.

I have found some apps that have helped me deal with this problem.

One is my iPhone that speaks to me.

It’s on Settings/General/Accessibility/Speech/Speak Selection/On. You can adjust the speaking rate, voices and highlight content. I use it for emails, composing emails, messaging and websites. It’s being able to be independent without having to ask for help with words or even a first sound.


Another app is Speak it!

There is a microphone as part of Apple. This is for individual words that I cannot pronounce or a word that I can write but can not say. You speak it and you can hear it over and over again. I also use it as practice.

I also use OverDrive and Audible for reading.

OverDrive is a part of the Fairfax library on-line. You can checkout books and audiobooks for free. It’s a great way to checkout books with out having to pay for it. Free is always better! I also use Audible for a subscription of $14.95 a month and you get an audiobook for free. You also save 30% on all audiobooks purchased after you purchase that one and you can also listen to a free audio subscription to The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. You get emails about savings for example buy one and get one for free offers.

The apps make it easier to simplify your life.

Bonus Resource

Enjoy this helpful page which succinctly explains the programing offered at SCC and how we help. It can be a useful tool to quickly express what it’s all about. Just click here!

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