Where would we be without the Stroke Comeback Center?

To better understand the strides that Aphasia students have made with the Center, we feel that it is best to hear it directly from them. Here are their answers to, “Where would you be if the Center wasn’t there?” in their own words.

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Where would I be if the Center wasn’t there? by Student 1

B99CDE49-B0F0-4B4B-AA2C-4B435EF0FA42If the Center was nonexistent, I would go apeshit. I would go to NRH but not too long since my insurance will run out. I will be locked up with nothing to do except waiting for Chris to come home so I can have interaction.

I would visit a retirement home because I love seniors. The issue is to try to find a place where you can have a conversation without dealing with dementia/Alzheimer. It’s hard enough to find the words to say because of aphasia but the seniors would help me find the words.

I would need a hobby and I have done many hobbies including knitting, crocheting and needlepoint. Maybe I will practice until I am perfect and then sell them to local businesses.

But the SCC is open for business. I love it and I’m so happy that I found it. I am so honored to have a place to come and enjoy the balance of work and the camaraderie of members.

Where would I be if I did not have the Stroke Comeback Center? by Student 2

To begin with I would be sad. I probably would be scared. And also be isolated.

Thank you so very much SCC for being a fantastic Center. The Center has changed my life as well as many others. Being with a community like this has changed so many lives.

So many of these people would be so isolated if they did not have the chance to be with individuals like this. These survivors are very proud of being with these individuals. The recovery at a place like this has changed so many. No longer having a community like this would be very difficult for these members.

My life would be very different from not being with these people. My recovery has gotten better due to this. My isolation has grown smaller due to the center. So many of these people have changed from being here. Being with friendships with amazing people at the Stroke Comeback Center. Thank you!!

I living not Stroke Comeback Center by Student 3

Because not stroke comeback center, I am words and numbers, and sentence forming, and story. Aphasia is words and numbers. Because not stroke comeback center, I am house inside. The public is not longer – words, numbers, sentence, and story. The well audience is speaker, and it is words, numbers, sentences, and story. (“I am aphasia,” Perry said.)

I like Stroke Comeback Center speech therapists. The speech therapists are friends. I am 10+ years in stroke and aphasia, and many very speech therapists, and 3 Nova Scotia aphasia 6-weeks. I am aphasia!

I am work, the Stroke Comeback Center. I am better, and good enough. The business is defense company will Computer Science/Manager (BS in Computer Science, MS in Computer Science). How can friends and company work job? I am lost friends and works. Now I am Stroke Comeback Center friends and therapists.

Not Stroke Comeback Center – I am secluded and not living life to fullest. I am not inside house.

Finally, the Stroke Comeback Center is very good and personal life.

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Stroke Comeback Center depends on private donors to keep the doors open. Our regular fee for members covers only 50% of our costs to provide quality programs and 25% of our members qualify for partial and full scholarships. Click to contribute to our mission in providing supportive, quality care to stroke and brain injury survivors.


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