Sunshine on My Shoulder

I am one of those people who is usually a bit reluctant about going into surgery. Well, on the early morning of Monday, September 28, I awoke and later realized spiritually, there was sunshine on my shoulder. As I prepared to go to the hospital for surgery, there was calmness about me, a calmness I have never felt before…

That morning as I left home, realizing COVID-19 is swift around the medical community; yet, I felt my cup runneth over with joy…

Stay in the Race

As my son drove me to the hospital, my spirit was constantly telling me, ‘joy comes in the morning, I must stay in the race’…

After arriving to the hospital, I experienced such beautiful, beautiful peace among everyone I came in contact with; the registration assistant, the nurses, the anesthesiologist, the surgeon and his assistant. It was as if my Higher Power assigned a band of angels to take care of me, putting me at ease…

I Am Grateful

Sunshine on my Shoulder

My Heart is Filled with Praise

Prior to going into surgery, I remember asking my Higher Power to bring me through the procedure and allow me to gently fly here on earth a little while longer. Allow my heart to be filled with praise as I dance fearlessly through the valley and come out on the other side in the beautiful love of light…

Stay Steadfast

Prior to going into surgery, I strongly felt the prayers from those who are here on earth praying for my recovery; gently requesting I stay steadfast; and, I thank them…

Spiritually, I felt the presence of my ancestors surrounding me with a tsunami of love; gently directing me to stay steadfast. As they tiptoed through the tulips, dancing around me, telling me my surgery is nothing but a formality and my Higher Power got this; and, I thank them…

I Am Grateful

Sunshine on my Shoulder

Wisdom Come from Experience

After going through surgery, for days I humbled myself, rocking and rolling, asking my Higher Power to allow my heart to be still while waiting for the pain to subside. When the pain abates, I realized I am more than a conqueror…

Healing to the Bones

And finally, after going through surgery, my soul was overwhelmed when I spiritually received this sweet message…

“Gracious Words are a Honeycomb, Sweet to the Soul and Healing to the Bones”

Proverbs 16:24

As I stand on the wall, accepting my healing, these words ascend out into the universe…


I Am Grateful

Sunshine on my Shoulder

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Stroke Comeback Center depends on private donors to keep the doors open. Our regular fee for members covers only 50% of our costs to provide quality programs and 25% of our members qualify for partial and full scholarships. Click to contribute to our mission in providing supportive, quality care to stroke and brain injury survivors.


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145 Park St., S.E. Vienna, VA  22180
(703) 255-5221

50 W Edmonston Drive, Suite 301, Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 605-7620

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