Planned Giving

Your financial gifts to Stroke Comeback Center allow us to support stroke and brain trauma survivors and their families, regardless of their ability to pay. One way to maximize the long-term impact of your support is through planned giving. Partners for a Brighter Tomorrow honors those who have chosen to make a lasting investment in Stroke Comeback Center through planned giving, so that we may meet the needs of our community now and in the future.



  • Name Stroke Comeback Center in your will or living trust,
  • Name Stroke Comeback Center as a beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy,
  • Make gifts of stock and appreciated assets.

Some planned gifts entitle you to an immediate income tax deduction; others can provide benefits to your estate and your heirs. All of them enable you to create a meaningful philanthropic legacy and will help us to support stroke and brain trauma survivors and their families for years to come.

To discuss planned giving opportunities, please contact Connie Dupuy at 703-255-2950 or .



145 Park St., S.E. Vienna, VA  22180
(703) 255-5221

50 W Edmonston Drive, Suite 301, Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 605-7620

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