⭐ Our Virtual Caring Tree ⭐

Here are the STARS on our Caring Tree:

Marcus Ades ⭐
Claudia Agyare ⭐
Rosanne Bellas ⭐
In memory of John Beyer ⭐
Russell Borthwick ⭐
Gail Boster ⭐
Gloria and Jim Boyle ⭐

Maria Braiuca ⭐
Caroline Chabliston ⭐
Monday’s Cognitive Strategies class ⭐
Judy Conroy ⭐
Suzanne Coyle ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
In memory of Marianne Coyle ⭐
In memory of Rose Croce ⭐

In memory of James P. Croce ⭐
Tiger Davidowich ⭐
In memory of Gary DiMaggio ⭐
Jack and Kathleen DiMaggio ⭐
Ann Dubuisson ⭐
Connie Dupuy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Kim Dyer ⭐⭐⭐

Katherine Eck ⭐
Thursday’s Escape This class ⭐
Amy Georgeadis ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Pat Godpodarek ⭐
Peter Good ⭐
Kevin Good ⭐
Brooke Hallowell ⭐

Ian, Andrea, Izzie. Maddie, Cameron and Graham Harper ⭐
Graham and Kat Harper ⭐
Cameron and Amanda Harpstein ⭐
Michael Hayden ⭐⭐⭐
Alan Hrapsky ⭐
Laurie Jacobs ⭐⭐⭐
Betsy and Tom Jones ⭐

In memory of Tom Keane ⭐
Lisa Koches ⭐
Alycia Laks ⭐
Cyndi and Tom Lanighan ⭐
Rebecca Lipkin ⭐
Barbara Lubert ⭐
Jackie Ludlow ⭐

Carol and Joe Mangiafesto ⭐
Patty Markarian ⭐
Joyce McCarty ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Joan McDermott ⭐
Claudia McDermott ⭐
In memory of Nancy McFadden ⭐
Julie McGraw ⭐

John McMahon ⭐⭐⭐
Catherine McNamara ⭐⭐⭐
Ellen Melle ⭐
Gerrit Mellen ⭐
Whitney Mislock ⭐⭐
Jenifer Morris ⭐
Wednesday’s Murder Mysteries class ⭐

Jill Norcross ⭐
Adeana Peters ⭐
Judy Preysnar ⭐
Betty Reinecke ⭐
Melissa Richman ⭐⭐⭐
Nancy Rizzo ⭐
Charlie and Dana Rizzo ⭐

Janice Rodriguez ⭐
In memory of Mary Miller Ross ⭐
In memory of Ed Ross ⭐
Amy, Jeff, Kayla and Tory Rudd ⭐
In memory of Ahni Rush ⭐
Steve Saari ⭐
Jackie Salzano ⭐

Susie Schwabacher ⭐
Nancy Selden ⭐
James Smelley ⭐
Dori Solomon ⭐
Anne Solomon ⭐
Megan Taylor ⭐
Neusa Thirkell ⭐

Beth Thompson ⭐⭐
Kitti Tong ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Kristen Torbert ⭐
Chris Vincent ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Darlene Williamson ⭐⭐⭐
Michelle Williamson ⭐
Jeff Yarnell ⭐

Dominick and Dora Zeccola ⭐

Special thanks to our top sponsors


145 Park St., S.E. Vienna, VA  22180
(703) 255-5221

50 W Edmonston Drive, Suite 301, Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 605-7620

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