SCC Events

“Art of Communicating” Gala

The Stroke Comeback Center 10th Anniversary Gala was on October 30, 2014 at the USA Today Building in McLean, VA.  Two hundred people attended to support our work.  Thank you to all the members, staff, board, volunteers and sponsors who make this happen!

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From the left:  Stephanie Mensh and Paul Berger, Chairs of the Gala; John Philips, Founder accepting his award; Peggy Fox of WUSA and Cressida McKean, Chair of the Board of Directors of SCC; Jim Forsberg and Elaine Braverman accepting their award from Stephanie Mensh.



From the left: Tim Decker, speed painter; Darlene Williamson, Founder and Executive Director of SCC and Janice Rodriguez, volunteer.

Making a Comeback

On Friday, May 30, 2014, 190 supporters, friends, and members attended “Making a Comeback: Books that Move Us” Luncheon benefiting the Stroke Comeback Center. Hosts Jeannemarie Davis and Darlene Williamson welcomed all our sponsors and friends, new and old.   Authors Allison O’Reilly and Cindy Chambers with Kyle Mitchell talked about their experiences with stroke – one as a survivor and one as an advocate.  Juliia Fox Garrison, our keynote speaker, gave a inspiring presentation, and was rewarded with a standing ovation.  Thank you for your support!

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Stroke Comeback Center Holiday Party

Our annual holiday party was on December 8, 2013 at the Vienna Community Center. More than 70 people attended on a snowy day for wonderful food, fun and prizes. We had a great time!

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SLP Professional Education Workshop

STclassOn September 27, SCC hosted a seminar called “New Perspectives in Aphasia Assessment, Treatment and Counseling” presented by Audrey Holland, PhD. Local speech-language pathologists attended the workshop giving them new ideas for their clients. All of the attendees appreciated the opportunity to talk with Dr. Holland, the leading aphasia researcher and practicioner in the U.S. If you have any questions about the workshop or suggestions, please email us at .

Strike Out Stroke 2013

photo1Stroke Comeback Center’s annual Strike Out Stroke fundraiser game was on Sunday, September 22, 2013 – Washington Nationals vs. Miami Marlins.  It was a beautiful day – good food and fun with good friends.

Thank you for the National’s management to make this happen and all of our donors to contributed to our cause!

At the right, Christie Arnold, Paul Berger, Stephanie Mensch and Marcus Ades pose with “Screech”.


145 Park St., S.E. Vienna, VA  22180
(703) 255-5221

50 W Edmonston Drive, Suite 301, Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 605-7620

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