Birth of a Butterfly

Do Not Surrender

Like a caterpillar that rises from new birth, developing into a beautiful butterfly, boldly go into the year of 2021 knowing that the “best is yet to come”.

As we magically fly away from the year 2020 and bravely embark on the New Year 2021, walk through the valley by faith and not by sight.

Do Not Surrender

As we continue to fear and grieve the pandemic that began in 2020, a year that seemed to be discouraging for some of us, do not lose hope.

When the life you planned may not work out the way you expected or wished, don’t lose your sense of wonder; adjust to the new normal.

Despite all of the psychological miles you may have traveled in 2020, even with all of your imperfections, “walk in favor” in 2021.

Do Not Surrender

As you began a new dawn, invite the sun into your life by observing the beauty of it all; knowing that when the sun dips below the horizon, there will be another sunrise.

Notwithstanding what you see, what you hear or what you read, hold on to that graceful glow in your heart, knowing from the darkness there will be light.

Do Not Surrender

As we come full circle in life, understand that the pandemic is real and we must be on one accord with trying to protect you and others from the pandemic; spiritually see its chains being broken.

Be strong, courageous and reach beyond the fear; in 2021 move into a new season and see blessings working together for your good.

As the butterfly that glides around receiving its blessings upon blessings, the butterfly reminds you when it is all said and done, carry on and see that there are brighter days ahead.

‘Said the Butterfly

Do Not Surrender’

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Stroke Comeback Center depends on private donors to keep the doors open. Our regular fee for members covers only 50% of our costs to provide quality programs and 25% of our members qualify for partial and full scholarships. Click to contribute to our mission in providing supportive, quality care to stroke and brain injury survivors.


145 Park St., S.E. Vienna, VA  22180
(703) 255-5221

50 W Edmonston Drive, Suite 301, Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 605-7620

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